In class we have been debating on weather analog or digital is better. Analog has been around for many years and was used in some of the most famous films of all time , such Merry Poppins and
Buggsy Malone. Although analog is see as the more traditional and professional equipment to use , a new generation of equipment is ready to send the analog into retirement , and that is digital. Digital is the answer to the younger generations call for cheaper and easier equipment which will allow them to make there own independent films. Some people argue that this takes away he uniqueness of the film making and that it will allow any one to go out and make a film. On the other and filming has always been encouraged and is equipment is cheap and easy to use then it can only be a good thing. People also argue that digital equipment takes away the authenticity of films and makes them look to unrealistic. What people are referring to is the amount of special effects used in digital films. Films such as star wars and King Kong have been criticised for deceiving its audience with its special effects. Then again , both King Kong and Star Wars were box office hits and both took in millions of pounds. Going back to the first point I made , directors who have been making films for years seem to disagree with the use of digital filming and feel that there job is no longer special. While others say that making equipment cheap and easy to use , which digital does , you allow hidden talents to shine. Internet sites such as
YouTube and
Blogger itself allow people to post videos to share with the world.